A very special thanks to Antonio Fransicsco for providing the beautiful photography featured in this template.


- mental enrichment -


Mental stimulation is just as important as physical play.

Our canine guests are offered mental enrichment games throughout the day to keep their mind active.



  • IQ Puzzle Toys

A variety of IQ puzzles, toys and challenges that will test your dog’s problem-solving skills, each filled with kibble through the various holes to encourage problem solving and instinct-satisfying foraging.

  • Dog Snuffle Mat

An exciting food puzzle toy for our canine guests. This toy uses your dog's natural ability to snuffle around to search for hidden treats using their sense of smell.

  • Bottle Spinner Puzzle Game

A challenging and rewarding game where your dog has to learn to paw the bottle entirely upside down to get the treats! Treats are more tasty, when worked for!

  • Ball of Cloths

Do you own a dog that absolutely loves disemboweling their stuffed toys? They are in for a treat as they try to pull all the cloths out of this interactive toy. 

  • Full-time supervision

Dog leaders play and interact with our canine guests, in addition to making sure everyone is safe and happy at all times.

  • Exceptional Hygiene Standards

Play areas are constantly cleaned throughout the day by our daycare staff, with the highest eco grade veterinary hospital cleaner.

INSTAGRAM @bones_and_harmony

- SEE OUR mind booster INSTA-STORIES! -

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